Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sneezing days~

today duno is wat day..
sneezed for the whole day...
even now stil sneezing...
damn fucking annoying...
produce alot of wantan..haha..
sumday..i can open my own stall ady...
"Ayer Keroh famous Wantan Mee"
sumbody told me...
sneeze 1 time means got ppl talk bad behind u..
3 times means got sum1 thinking bout u at the moment..
but i sneezed for more than 100 times d o..
wat that means??
if think negatively means got more than 100 ppl talk bad bout me..
if think positively means got many ppl miss me!! bcox 3 x 33 more than 100 d ma..
but the fact is~
i'm SICK!!

tmr gonna hang out wif frens ady..
so..hopefully tmr when i wake up i'll be fine ady..
i dun wan hold plenty of wantanS on my hands n walk around..
if stil haven recover...mayb i can consider bout taking a plastic bag
n put all my wantanS inside...haha..

1 comment:

Jingirl said...

haha.. gt ppl say abt sneeze is..

sneeze 1 time means gt ppl talk bad thgs abt u..

sneeze 3 times means gt somebody missing u..

if sneeze more den 3 times,
dat means doctor miss u!!