Thursday, October 23, 2008

My subang trip..

There is sum pict i can share wif yall for my subang trip..
hehe...a very enjoyable trip bcox have plenty of frens that bring joy n fun for me!!!
thanks guys...

sumwhere in puchong...puteri height or wat...
few minutes before i get drunk...

dun get drunk...u duno how ur fren will "treat" u..
but luckily i got Wen...haha...thx Wen...
fight ah!!! fight for glory!!!

i'm not drunk..juz boring~headache

in cyber..kuan house..before goin club..

every1 damn full ady!!!rm20..worth it!! haha..
this is dai lou's 战利品!! thx dai lou..very nice~

i say george sleeping..n he said he wasn't sleeping..who u believe??

3 different face..jocelyn,u took pict at the wrong place la~
p/s: i din smoke..juz help sum1 to hold his/her cigarate..ah kuan's mirror~4 of us~3 nerd 1 ah beng~
When i was drunk...
thx to ah kuan n colbert carry me out from the club..
n take care of me until juice come n fetch me back...
thx to juice for fetching me back to subang n din force me sit CAB..haha...
specially thx to ah wen take care me for the whole nite till i went to bed..
thx to andy for letting me stay at ur room n everything u had done to me...
thx to those whom help me at that nite when i was drunk...
Thank You~~~

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