Sunday, October 12, 2008

Curse!! GOD trying to stop me clubing at KL

haih..damn pain...
balut ady stil pain...cant walk like a normal person..
my leg have to turn 90 degree to the left onli can walk...
make me half to stay at home for the whole day~sad
nex thursday i plan to go KL clubing ady...
but now i get twisted ady n the sensei say nid 2 weeks to recover!!
because i break my tissue ady~
now sunday ady~i onli left 4 days onli..
clubing at KL on nex thursday is a MUST!!!
hopefully i can recover in this 4 days
so that i can go KL clubing..wahaha~~!!!

why it is a curse?
once..the situation juz like now...
i planed to go KL club sumday~
n my fuking leg get twisted before i went there....
but at last i oso dapat go...haha..
this is the 2nd time liao...
so u say la izit a curse from the GOD???
HE is trying to stop me to go KL club...argh!!
i muz go KL club nex thursday!!!
i muz go!!!

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