Tuesday, December 16, 2008


wao..its been a long time i din post sumthing new here..
haha...bcoz i very lazy la..post liao oso juz few kitten reading my blog nia...
but now...i post upon sum1 request...seems like there is sum1 stil folow up my blog..haha...
k la...lets back to the title...BROSS..
sumtime...reli duno shud appreciate the frendship wif sum frens anot...
u've have been treated him so gud...u reli treated him as a gud fren....
u appreciate the friendship between u n him...
but at last....wat happen??! he juz gone like tat...
he din appreciate the relationship between u n him as u does...
haih...reli disapointed wif this kind of fren...stil say BROSSS!! fuck it la dude...
obviously...we've lost u...BYE my fren~

p/s: Hope the frens i appreciate now is my truly BROSSS...hope such thing wont happen on the frens tat close to me rite now....

For BROSS: if u all reli treat us/me wif ur heart...we/i can feel it..dun juz use ur mouth n say bross..


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